My favourite section is Wilderness and Wildlife, we have so much in Canada to be proud of, often we don't take the time to peek out the window or drive past the gorgeous look out point and really breathe it all in.
There was a line in the story, A Cave with a View, describing Canada as a mosaic of cultures. Which is SO TRUE. I wouldn't bat an eye at seeing a man walk by wearing a kilt or a woman dressed in full Native garb. We have so much to be proud of, and so much hertiage, it's just astounding when you think about it.
Another section I loved was Ice Time, with both my boys in hockey and Grampa as one of the coaches, we are well on our way to being a true Canadian hockey family. I loved the quote by Ken Wregget under the Once a Canadian... story, he said "Hockey is like a disease, you can't really shake it." That just makes me laugh, because it's so true and something to cherish I think. The story, What We'll Do for Hockey, under the Winter Wonderland section had me in sweet tears, it the story of my own life as we build an ice rink in the backyard every winter and there has been many middle of the night trips outside to work on the rink, these are true Canadian memories.
The places I want to visit after reading as well - Saskatchewan, Halifax, Quebec, someone get me a plane ticket! :-)
Oh my goodness, I could go on and on about everything I loved, but I'd love to give you a chance to read it for yourself as well! I think every Canadian should have a copy of this book and would love to give one away to a reader! Please enter below for a chance to win Chicken Soup for the Soul O Canada.
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We live in a wonderful country! More people should explore Canada. It truly is spectacular. As Canadians we need to appreciate it a lot more too!
ReplyDeletecool! this sounds like an interesting book!
ReplyDeleteI have really enjoyed reading this book!
ReplyDeletehow great that Canada is included in this wonderful series!